A Heroic D-Day Veteran parachutes over Normandy 75 years after D-Day

Veteran to parachute over Normandy once again, 75 years after D-Day

            In the article Veteran to parachute over Normandy once again, 75 years after d-day by Caroline Davies tells us that a D-Day veteran is still doing very well at the age of 95 and plans to parachute over Normandy again 75 years after D-Day 
            During world war 2 Harry Read was 20 years old and parachuted into Normandy now 75 years after he is parachuting again over normandy. Read will perform this stunt with another d-day soldier, Jock Hutton Read said that this was a stupid thing to do at his age. He did a practice jump in september and said “I will think about my mates who died.” Read said “ I remember it was a bright sunny day. And I went to a quiet place in camp and thought about what I was going to do. Read hopes that his jump will raise money for the salvation army.
I think this is important because people from world war 2 are still doing very good at the age of 95 and that they are enjoying their life while they can.



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